We will offer transportation to workplaces in Syracuse, East Syracuse, Liverpool, other locations or times not serviced by Centro. This program initially will be only for City of Syracuse residents but we would like to help Village of East Syracuse and Liverpool also . Our Shuttles will be driven by professional drivers. It will Not be an on-demand service like the Uber or cab, but a modified Van pool which carries multiple riders going the same location and time. You reserve a seat on a 7 passenger van for the days you work each week.

Each registered rider will picked up from their home address.  

Riders will need to Register for the program to be accepted.  Riders will reserve a seat on their Shuttle and will pay for the number of rides each week . If qualified you may get one week free after that you pay for upcoming rides a week ahead. They must reserve actual days of the week.  The cost is usually  $10 per Ride per on the Shuttle. If the Rider needs transportation to and from work, they need to subscribe to 2 Shuttles per day. If Transportation is both ways, it would cost $20 per day. Registered riders are given a pickup location and pick time window.  The driver picks up all riders and takes them to their employer or vice versa. A Shuttle should complete the entire trip within 1 hour.

We subsidize free transportation for the first week costs for new workers.  After the first month, riders will be responsible for payment for the subsequent weeks payments. Riders pay up-front Monday for the coming week Payments can be made online on our website with a debit or credit card, or cash. 


Go to the Request for Service page  and enter your information. We will review the people who have submitted and will group people in a Shuttle when enough people request similar times. 

We will contact you by telephone , text or email when  a Shuttle is  available.and sign you up for the program.  If you have questions, submit your questions on our Comment section of our website