In May of this year our Ride to Work program began transporting New Americans to their second shift jobs in East Syracuse. These jobs would not have been available to them because they had no transportation home at 2AM, but our ride service allowed them to get to and from work on time everyday and "get their foot in the door".

Effective Saturday they are working on a different shift that has bus service. We are so happy for these men and their families now that they have a good job and transportation independence so they can work and begin their American Dream. Also 4 of them have learner's permits and hope to get their driver's licenses. Without this helping hand these milestones would not have happened.

We want to thank the Job developers at Catholic Charities for their patience and hard work in making the Pilot program a success. Also we thank Wil Wagner of Wil-Care transportation Services for his excellent service driving these men everyday and developing a friendship with them.

There are so many other's who need this opportunity so we cannot rest until a more permanent service for those who need jobs and do not have transportation are served. Go to our website's GET INVOLVED section to see how to can help.

Working Hard for a Better Life

Working Hard To Become Transportation Independent

Congratulations to Jagoub ,  Purna  above and two additional riders of our Ride To Work  program who began their jobs in May! All four passed their Driver's Permit exam.. Also,  a big …

Congratulations to Jagoub ,  Purna  above and two additional riders of our Ride To Work  program who began their jobs in May! All four passed their Driver's Permit exam.. Also,  a big shout out  to Wil , our driver who has been encouraging and mentoring them.  One Rider who is from Nepal also has bought a  car and is looking for a licensed person who speaks his language to take him riding so he can practice for the driving road test. He is willing to pay if you know someone interested.

Our program provides people who need transportation to accept a job the opportunity to get the job and begin working to save for  their own car so they can be independent. There are so many others who need this help in Syracuse. Will you help us help other wonderful unemployed people like these guys?

For $118 we can cover one person's  transportation for a month. For $30 we can transport one person for a week. Whatever you can donate on our website goes to help more people get jobs. Please  make a difference in a person's life- help them work.


Two New Workers Get Full-Time Jobs

Hussein, Travis, Wil and Aden.  

Hussein, Travis, Wil and Aden.  

Saturday two more people got full time jobs because of our Ride To Work program. We are pleased to help Hussen and Aden get that job by providing reliable transportation to their employer.  Now they can begin to begin their American dream.

Transportation is a primary reason people are unable to get a job.  We have met with employers and employment organizations and they all agree this is a huge need. Sadly there are so many others who need interim transportation to get a job so they can save for a car and become independent.  We have received a number of emails and phone calls asking for our assistance. Charles who has a job offer but no transportation or the single Mom who has a job offer and can take a bus to work but has no way back home. These are real people, our neighbors.

We need Your Help With greater financial resources we could help so many more. Will you help by donating online at our website? $1400 would cover a rider for a year, $118 would cover the cost of a rider for a month $30 would cover a rider for a week. Can you help 1 person?


5 New jobs and our Ride To Work program has begun!

Demand for our Ride To Work program has been brisk over the last few weeks. See the article today in the Post Standard online. Can you be a "hero" and donate so we can give more people jobs?

Read below and share with others. There is a solution to unemployment!!


Ride to Work WRVO Interview by Ellen Abbott

James Manyan and Providence Services of Syracuse President Deborah Hundley discuss the Ride to Share program. Ellen Abbott/WRVO

James Manyan and Providence Services of Syracuse President Deborah Hundley discuss the Ride to Share program. Ellen Abbott/WRVO

A new program starts in Syracuse this weekend that’s meant to help people overcome one of the biggest impediments to finding work in central New York: transportation. 

It often isn’t so easy getting a job in central New York if you don’t have a car or access to public transportation. Providence Services of Syracuse President Deborah Hundley says the problems come at workplaces that are beyond the bus line, or shifts that begin or end when buses aren’t running.

“So it leaves thousands of people within the city unemployed, who want a job, but can’t accept it because of a lack of transportation,” said Hundley.

This Sunday, the organization begins a "Ride to Work" program, offering transportation during off hours to people who need it. The first rides are being offered to four employees at Walmart in East Syracuse. Providence is collaborating with organizations to get employees and have hired individual contractors who will provide the rides.   

James Manyan, a refugee of South Sudan, lives on Syracuse’s Eastside, and knows what many job seekers without transportation are going through.

"I have to stay one year and a half, almost two years without getting job because of transportation," said Manyan. "They ask if you have a car and if you don’t have car you cannot work here.”

Manyan was lucky enough to get hired at St. Joseph’s Hospital without transportation, and now has been able to get a car. That’s something Hundley would like to see, noting the program can only be used for a year, with the hope being by then, employees could be able to save to buy a car, and then pass it on.

“So they become transportation independent, so maybe they can help other people at their workplace, get the ride to get them the job, so they too can become independent,” said Hundley.

Our Ride to Work program is set to begin

We recently received a partial grant from the Workforce Development Institute . This will allow us to begin our Ride to Work program to allow potential workers to accept 2nd shift jobs in Syracuse and East Syracuse.  We are planning to begin in May but more funding is needed. 

The need is so great, approximately 3000 people in the County could utilize a program like this to finally get a job if only they had transportation. The saving to the County Social Services could be millions saved in the first year if they were employed .

You can help !  Donate to our program online, Run a fundraiser to raise money to help us cover the expense to give a worker a ride and Write the Commissioner of Social Services to voice your support.  Share our news with others!  Together we can make a difference.


Helping people leave poverty requires people to help them. Will you?

"We do not choose where or when we are born.  We do not choose when or where we die. We can choose either to help others or turn away.  We can choose to do nothing or to be a hero."

                                                                                                     Maggie  Gobran

Providence Services is committed to helping people become financially independent and give them hope of achieving their American Dream. Read a story  of a "hero" helping those in need from NPR. We have the same needs here in Syracuse, will you be a hero?


U.S. Representative John Katko offers support for our Ride To Work Program

We thank Representative Katko for his support in helping the poor in Syracuse finally have a chance to get the transportation they need to get a 2nd or 3rd shift job. Our Pilot program will begin soon and hopes to provide 20 people with a Ride to Work for up to a year so they can begin to find alternative means of transportation whether through a carpool or purchasing an inexpensive car. After the Pilot program we hope to expand the number of people we can serve.

Rep. Katko is on the U.S. House Transportation Committee and is very interested in the Transportation issues for our local citizens.

Mayor Supports Ride to Work Program

In a meeting today with Mayor Stephanie Miner, she expressed her desire to increase employment in the city and said she supported the Ride To Work program Providence Services of Syracuse is developing. She is working hard to encourage job opportunities and recognizes Transportation often is an impediment to employment for many. She offered some suggestions based on her study on the needs of the poor seeking employment. We thank the Mayor for her support and hard work to help Syracuse improve it's opportunities for all citizens.


State Senator David Valesky supports Providence Services of Syracuse

The Senator today acknowledged his support for Providence Services of Syracuse's Ride to Work program to help the unemployed be able to accept employment for 2nd and 3rd shift jobs with our help.

Currently there is no public transportation available for people to get to and from 2nd and 3rd shift jobs. They want to work, the employers want to hire them all they need is transportation.

If you have a heart for those who want a job but cannot get one because of lack of transportation, please share our website with others and donate on our website no matter how small or large so we can begin this program soon. If you would like to help us, contact us through our website. Together we can make a difference in someone's life!

Our Fundraising Campaign has Begun. Will you join us change lives?

We have begun fundraising to raise $28, 300 which will provide us with enough money for 1 year to operate our Ride To Work pilot program. This program will enable us to provide a transportation subsidy for 20+ unemployed New Americans for 1 year so they can begin their American Dream of getting a job and building a new life in America.  Our program has no paid staff therefore it cost us only $1415 in subsidy per rider for a year. It obviously costs many times more to sustain someone on unemployment. The benefits greatly out weigh the cost. The only way to improve our community and individual's lives is to invest in peoples live to enable them to work.

Our greater vision is to refine this program and expand it to help more of our out of work citizens. By helping people get jobs these people will be contributing members to our economy, we reduce the cost of government, and make Syracuse an attractive place for businesses to locate.

If you or your organization are looking for a way to directly change a person's life and improve our economy, partner with us.

Donate today!

Ride To Work Pilot program progress

We have developed an agreement with a local transportation company to provide the transportation to and from work for our program participants. The company owner expressed a desire to help the community grow jobs and we thank him for his commitment. This opportunity will provide 20+ New Americans  with the transportation they need to accept 2nd and 3rd shift jobs in Syracuse and East Syracuse. In addition it will lead to 2-3 part time drivers getting additional work .

Riders will pay a monthly transportation fee and Providence Services will provide a subsidy to offset the remaining cost of transportation for up to a year, so these workers can either arrange a carpool or save for a car.  When a worker no longer needs our service, another person will be able to take their place.

Contact us for information for how you or your organization can sponsor a worker.

Big news

Providence Services of Syracuse received their 501c3 Federal Tax exempt status November 30, 2014. Those who would like to support our efforts to provide transportation to New Americans so they can accept jobs, will now receive a tax-deductible receipt to permit them to submit with their tax returns.  You can donate to help us reduce unemployment online at this website or by mailing a check to : Providence Services of Syracuse Inc, PO Box 6173, Syracuse, NY 13217-6173.

Syracuse University students volunteer for Providence Services

Providence Services thanks the students of Syracuse University for volunteering with us this past semester. The students we worked with were members of Professor Nancy Wright's WRT 307: Professional Writing class. The class was split into 3 committees. Each of these three committees addressed a different need within our organization from business plan writing to marketing to web site and content management. Under the guidance of Professor Nancy Wright and Deborah Hundley, the class of 20 students were able to produce promotional materials for Providence Services.

Many thanks to Colleen Kiefer of Creative Design who developed our logo. Her graphic design was beautiful and resonates with former refugees. Thank you for you time and talent.

Thanks to Denise Jochem Robertson, MBA for her work with writing for our business plan and website. Your excellent skills really made a difference.