Syracuse Has The Highest Rate of Extreme Poverty In The Nation Among Blacks & Hispanics

Syracuse has the highest rate of extreme Poverty!  That is  sobering statistic that should cause significant changes NOW.

There are so many organizations providing education opportunities, job training, job placement services, health services, improved housing, and support groups for various needs.  What is missing??

The crucial piece that makes all these things successful is reliable, affordable transportation.  Without this piece of the puzzle, there is no way to get to that job, that educational opportunity or better housing.  People exit poverty when they can get a job. Once they get a job they begin to have the freedom to make choices. Without transportation there is a lack of freedom of jobs and this leads to despair.

Study after study has unequivocally stated this important missing piece to the puzzle—lack of transportation.

Numerous cities in the US have begun to provide solutions to this very problem in their cities. Places like Columbus, Omaha, Oakland, Charlotte, Houston, Mon Valley, PA, Denver, Indianapolis, Clayton County, GA., Nashville, Normal, IL, Rural Washington State, Grand Rapids, Champaign IL., Phoenix and Salt Lake City.  Syracuse should be in this list because we have a proud history of being innovators weather with Women’s Rights, Racial justice or famous writers, Ministers and educational institutions.

Let’s not let all the good works of the organizations fail because of one missing effort.  

Those stuck in poverty have had no voice other than the despair as seen among the young and old who express their frustration.  Providence Services of Syracuse has heard this frustration and asks the City leaders to:

  1. Initiate a study of the transportation needs of those in poverty and develop solutions

  2. Review the zoning in the city to allow businesses to build in areas of high unemployment so residents will have access to employment in their neighborhoods without the barrier of



    We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with government and other organizations to solve poverty in Syracuse.  Let’s work together to change the narrative and change the results of poverty.