Our Ride To Work Pilot program ended after November 2016 with success.  We helped 23 people in the Pilot with the small Grant we received. However, we learned a lot.  Small beginning are leading to bigger opportunities for low income residents of Syracuse seeking jobs without reliable transportation.

We are developing a Shuttle to Work program that will pick up Syracuse City residents in neighborhood pickup locations and provide transportation to/from  jobs in Syracuse & East Syracuse. If a company is interested in helping to fund a Shuttle to their job site, have them contact us. We could designate a special shuttle to Liverpool or Dewitt if we have 6 people going at similar time to employers nearby each other.

We receive multiple requests for service daily but we are not ready to begin.  Our target is to begin April 2, 2017.  We are setting up our systems and trying to raise money for the Grand opening.   

Watch our Website ( Notice the SHUTTLE TAB).  In March we will have a tab under Shuttle where you can enter your information to be considered to be placed in a Shuttle. We will select people with similar work times and locations.  AS more people apply more Shuttles will be formed.

 Like us on Facebook to get timely up date.  

To get the word out that there is a great need for this kind of service, write letters to the Editor at Syracuse.com. Let your need be heard.  We advocate for you, but the Funders , etc don't believe there is that great need.  Let them hear your voice!

Stay tuned...