As we enter this Holiday season , Please make a donation to help an unemployed neighbor get a job. Did you know there are hundreds of people in Syracuse unemployed? Many of them could get jobs but there is no reliable transportation to get them to or from work , so the jobs go unfilled.
Providence Services of Syracuse is the ONLY alternative for most low income residents if the bus does not service the employer. Your donation will allow us to continue our SHUTTLE TO WORK program that has helped over 60 people get full time job since April .
We need your help! We get calls each day for transportation , but we have limited funds. Your donation can make the difference between a person getting a job or remaining unemployed.
We encourage you to make a tax-deductible donation either online at this website or mail a check payable to PROVIDENCE SERVICES OF SYRACUSE INC. Mail checks to : Providence Services of Syracuse Inc, 1201 E.Fayette St., Suite 13, Syracuse, NY 13210
We are a IRS 501c3 Nonprofit and we will mail you a receipt for your gift. Change a person's life, help them get a job!!