We have helped 67 people get or keep a full-time job since April 2017. Our initial goal was 40 people over 12 months. We believe this is a fixable problem. Our multi-year goal is helping 1000 City residents get or keep jobs by providing transportation. It may take several years, but imagine the vitality Syracuse would experience with 1000 people working and improving their lives. The jobs are there, there are more than 1000 people seeking employment, the impediment is transportation.
Listen to this study and help us begin helping people get full-time jobs... only 933 to go. If you believe employment of 1000 people is worthwhile, partner with us by DONATING ONLINE OR MAIL A CHECK TO: PROVIDENCE SERVICES OF SYRACUSE INC,1201 EAST FAYETTE ST, SUITE 13, SYRACUSE, NY 13210 . Be part of the solution...
WAER Radio did a study on Poverty in the City of Syracuse. Below is Episode 7 which focuses on the Transportation issues residents have getting to and from work. Listen to learn from people who live this transportation barrier and how Providence Services has been part of the solution.